Have you ever wondered what a person in your life is thinking about?
Today, I think of how lucky I am, even though I complain A LOT, and I mean A LOT. I always ask for a: Cell phone, facebook account, and my own computer ( I share with my sister for those of you who don’t know) I ask my parents for these things, because everyone around me has these things, my best friend has a computer that she shares with her brother, and mom, she has a cell phone, and a facebook account, and she is only 12 years old!
Have you ever seen my post “Childhood”? I felt that all the time, and now, I realize how lucky I am to even have a computer, and my parents don’t let me have a facebook because it has “bad content” says my mom. I agree, child predators, and not to mention fowl mouth. That I start to understand. The cell phone I can’t get until I need one, which no offense but I am confused as to why I can’t have it until I need it. I know that it would be a save of money and all, but I have a feeling that there is another reason that I can’t have a phone.
Back to the real topic. How do you deal with your everyday problems in life? how would you deal with mine? I need help, and every idea will count to me. Thank you for your help, I appreciate anything I can get.